U3A Dacorum is a trust and has a board of trustees. There is a requirement for certain policies to be put in place so that we provide guidance to our trustees, coordinators and members to avoid and deal with situations that may occur. Our highest level document is the constitution, which is supported at a working level by the Committee and Coordinator Handbooks.
We adopted a new constitution in 2021. 2021 Constitution
Committee Handbook
We have a Committee Handbook that describes the major roles on the committee. 2022 Committee Handbook This is subject to continuous change.
Coordinator Handbook
The Coordinator Handbook has been recently revised. It and the associated forms that coordinators use are all available here.
Click to download an A4 pdf version, or here to download an A5 pdf version.
Historical documents are kept in our Archive and Document Repository. Currently, it is only available to Committee Members, but copies may be supplied to members, upon request.
Privacy Policy
This was produced in response to the GDPR. Click here to read our Privacy Policy.
If you are a coordinator and would like to have your details in the Digest, then complete and return the Coordinator Signature Form.
If you are a Coordinator or Committee Member and would like to show your name and phone number on the website, you must also complete an Additional Consent Form and return it to the Secretary. The form can be either printed, completed and posted or completed and sent by email (quicker and cheaper than licking a stamp and addressing an envelope!) Choose the file below, edit it and send it back by email. Just type in your name, no signature is required. Download Additional Consent Form
EqualitY, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Click here to download a pdf version.
Complaints Procedure
Should any member have a complaint, about any subject, click here to download the pdf version of the complaints procedure.
Disciplinary Procedure
Should the Committee have reason to discipline any member, the Disciplinary process will be followed. Download a copy here.
Financial Policy
This explains how our finances are conducted. Click here to download a copy.
Speaker Policy
This provides guidance on how, when, and how frequently groups may use speakers. Click here to read the Speaker Policy.
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